第1條 | 名稱 |
本公會的全稱為沙巴州烘焙同業公會 (PERSATUAN KONFEKSYENARI DAN BAKERI SABAH)。下文簡稱“公會”。 | |
第2條 | 註冊及郵政地址 |
(1) 本會註冊和通訊地址為LOT 13, LORONG BUAH DUKU 3, KOLOMBONG INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, P.O.BOX 21065, LUYANG 88768 KOTA KINABALU, SABAH。 (2) 未經社團註冊官批准前不得更改公會的註冊辦公所在地和通訊地址。 |
第3條 | 宗旨 |
(1) 促進同業間的互相了解和聯系。 (2) 維護同業間的共同利益。 (3) 協助並指導有關會員之問題或事項,必須時向政府或有關當局陳清。 (4) 協助社會福利與慈善工作。 (5) 經會員大會批准可購買不動產或其他設備。 (6) 經過捐款籌集資金,或通過相關執法機構批准和社團注冊官事先知曉並同意的任何法律途徑籌集資金。 |
第4條 | 經費 |
(1) 入會費 (2) 終身會費 (3) 特殊捐款 (4) 自動捐款 (5) 產業收益。 (6) 附属成員的年度會費 |
第5條 | 會籍 |
(1) 凡屬沙巴州麵包糕餅同業,持有政府商業註冊局執照者且年滿十八歲居住于沙巴州的馬來西亞公民均可申請為成員。 (2) 秘書處須妥善保管詳載下列事項的成員名冊: (a)會員姓名 (b)身份证号码 (c)公司名稱 (d)入会日期 (e)註冊日期 (f)注冊編號 (g)序號 (h)注冊地址 (I)傳真號碼 (J)電話號碼 |
第6條 | 申請入會手續 |
(1) 在公會現有成員的推薦下以公會規定的形式申請,并將申請表格提交給公會秘書或主席,經執行委員會通過方可入會。經批准,申請人在繳納入會費及終身會費后即可成爲公會成員。執行委員會可保留拒絕任何申請的權利,并無需説明理由。 (2) 附屬成員的的入會申請應采取公會規定的形式申請,并將申請表格提交給公會秘書或主席,經執行委員會通過方可入會。經批准,申請人在繳納入會費及終身會費后即可成爲公會成員。執行委員會可保留拒絕任何申請的權利,并無需説明理由。。 |
第7條 | 成員之權利 |
(1) 每名成員均有權提名一位代表,代表具有以下權利:
(2) 成員必須持有商店或分店或其代表的注冊商業執照。(b)任何會員大會中均有發言權 (c)有動議、表決、參與、及享受本會所賦予成員的一切權力。 (3) 附屬成員不具有選舉投票權,不得在執行委員會中擔任任何職位,不得成爲委員會成員。 |
第8條 | 成員義務 |
(a) 遵守公會章程 (b) 依據章程按時繳交任何捐款或會費 (c) 除非有合理之原因,否則,被選為理事的代表不得拒絕。 |
第9條 | 喪失會籍 |
(a) 退會 (b) 公司或機構的註冊被吊銷 (c) 在本章程第十九條下被開除。 |
第10條 | 入會費與年 |
入會費:馬幣十零吉(RM10.00) 終身會費:馬幣一百二十零吉(RM120.00) 附屬成員的年度會費: 馬幣壹千零吉 (RM1,000.00) |
第11條 | 終止會籍之後果 |
成員資格一旦終止,無論是自願辭職或被開出會籍,該成員便無權享有公會及其不動產和資金所賦予其的所有權利。其所繳交的任何入會費,終身會費在成員資格終止時均不可退還。 | |
第12條 | 理事會 |
會長 壹名 署理會長 壹名 副會長 壹名 秘書 壹名 副秘書 壹名 財政 壹名 副財政 壹名 普通理事 七名 (2) 執行委員會將增加一位副會長,因此,公會將具有兩位副會長。執行委員會共15位成員。 (3 )會長只可連任兩屆,每屆三年。 |
第13條 | 執行人員的職務 |
(1) 會長代表本會處理内外一切事務,保管本會印章,在任期内主持所有會員大會或理事會,須負責會議之順利進行。他有最後一票的取決權及簽署經覆准之會議錄。 (2) 署理會長及副會長協會長處理事務並在會長缺席時代行其職務。 (3) 秘書執行理事會與大會決議案及會長和署理會長的指示。秘書亦須負責所有來往書信,保管本會的所有文件及記錄,賬目和財政記錄則除外。他必須出席所有會議並作會議記錄。 (4) 副秘書協助秘書處理事務並在秘書缺席時代行其職。 (5) 財政須負責本會之財政事務,保管一切財政單據,文件,現金出納及本會銀行戶口的支票,並確保所有財政事務的記錄正確無誤。 (6) 副財政協助財政處理事務並在財政缺席時代行其職。 (7) 七名普通理事協助其他執行人員履行任務。 |
第14條 | 選舉及任期 |
(1) 本會理事選舉每三年一次,選舉須在常年大會時進行。 (2) 上述執行人員經過提名及附議,在三年一次選舉中獲得出席常年大會之成員多數票後即當選,可連選連任。 (3) 若遇有執行人員死亡或辭職,或喪失會籍,理事會有權委任其他成員遞補之,直至下屆選舉爲止。 |
第15條 | 會議 |
(1) 理事會議
(a) 理事會議須至少每兩個月舉行一次,以及至少半數理事成員出席方為法定人數。
(b) 開會通知書至少在每次會議的七日前分發給各理事會成員。 (c) 如有特別事故,會長本身認爲有必要,或三分之一的理事會成員聯名要求,得召開臨時會議,而要求召開是項會議的理事會成員須由半數親自出席方為有效。 (d) 任何理事會成員無故連續三次缺席會議,除非所提出之理由被理事會接受,否則,將終止其理事會成員之職權。 (2) 常年成員大會
(a) 本會以全體成員常年大會為最高權力機關。會員大會須有全體成員之半數或理事會人數的兩倍出席為法定人數。
(b) 會議通知書須于大會前十四天前寄發給所有成員。 (c) 設若在大會既定時間逾半小時仍不足法定人數時,會議即應展期至由理事會決定之稍后日期召開,惟時限不得超過卅天。如果展期之會議仍不足法定人數,出席之成員有權進行即日會務,但無權修改章程或作出影響全體成員的決定。 (d) 常年成員大會由理事會決定日期、時間和地點名開。常年大會處理的事項包括如下:
(3) 特別成員大會
(a) 特別成員大會可在下列情況下召開:
(c) 特別成員大會之法定人數與常年成員大會相同。 (d) 如果會議因不足法定人數而宣告展期,時間由理事會決定。如果展期之會議依然不足法定人數,由會員要求召開之特別成員大會應即取消,且于六個月內不得要求召開同樣目的之會議。 |
第16條 | 財務條列 |
(1) 本會財政年度由每年一月一日開始。 (2) 財政可於任何期間內收存不超過馬幣五百零吉(RM500.00)之現款,超過這個數目之款項應於收納的七天內存入由理事會所指定的銀行戶口。 (3) 銀行支票或支款通知,須經會長或秘書和財政聯合簽署並加蓋公會印章方為有效。 (4)
(a) 本會支出款項,凡一次超過馬幣五百零吉 (RM500.00) 者,須經會長批准。
(5) 經查核之帳目報告須隨同成員大會通知書分發給所有成員,並於公會註冊地址的佈告處另行張貼一份。(b) 本會支出款項,凡一次超過馬幣二千零吉 (RM2,000) 者,須經理事會批准。 (c) 本會支出款項,凡一次超過馬幣五千零吉 (RM5,000) 者,須經會員大會批准。 (6) 公會的任何額外基金可經成員大會的批准後存放於銀行債卷定期存款投資於受批准之股市/股票或其他穩健企業。 |
第17條 | 查賬 |
(1) 成員大會應任命一位或多位人員為公會查賬員,公會查賬員應任職三年,且可重新受委任。查賬員有權出席任何會議,但不具有投票權。 (2) 查賬員應在認知期間負責公會所有賬目的審計工作,并準備報告或證明書向常年大會題呈。會長可要求查賬員對其任期內任何階段的公會賬目進行審計,並向執行委員會提交報告。 |
第18條 | 1966年社團法令第9條(B)節下的委任辦事員 |
(1) 在1966年社團法令第9條(B)節下於常年大會中所委任的辦事員必須是執行人員,而且年齡必須超過二十一歲。 (2) 他們的任期為三年,可連選連任。 (3) 在此條款下委任的辦事員必須依據大會指示處理本會不動產,所有不動產須以本會之名註冊。 (4) 未經大會批准,有關辦事員不得出售、撒回或轉讓本會資產。 (5) 有關辦事員若因精神不健全,健康欠佳,出國或其他原因而導致或不能圓滿執行任務,大會可罷免其職務。如有關辦事員或有死亡、破產、辭職或被罷免,其遺缺可通過特別成員大會決定遞補之。 |
第19條 | 紀律 |
(1) 任何成員或理事會成員違反本會章程,規則或決議案,理事會有權給於警告,必要時可革除其理事資格或開除其會籍。被開除者不得要求退回所繳交的任何款項。 (2) 任何理事會成員或成員不滿意理事會將其資格或會籍取消之決定,可以在三十天內以書面提出上訴,並要求召開會員大會審理之。成員大會的裁決是最終的決定。 |
第20條 | 特別條款 |
(1)無論任何人士,不得在本會會所吸毒、聚賭、宿娼或進行任何非法活動。 (2)未經理事會批准,任何人不得以本會名義募捐或展開任何活動。 (3)在1966年社團法令第二條款所列明之公會利益不得分配給它的任何成員。 (4)在1966年社團法令第九條(A)節下被取消資格者,將不得在公會擔任顧問或成為公會雇員。 (5)公會或其他成員不得參與1959年職工法令下所規定的任何職工會活動。 (6)非馬來西亞公民不得擔任本會理事或執行人員。 |
第21條 | 詮釋章程 |
章程無任何明文規定之事項或有疑點之處,理事會有權詮釋章程,並必要時對未列明之事項作出決定。 | |
第22條 | 章程修改 |
本章程未經常年大會的決議不得加以修改或修正。類似修改或修正須從社團註冊官批准之日期起方可生效。 | |
第23條 | 更換地址 |
任何成員更換地址必須通知本會秘書,若無通知,任何函件或通知書寄至其最後登記地址,將視為已寄達及被成員收到。 | |
第24條 | 解散 |
(1) 公會不可解散,除非在不少於五分之四(4/5)以上具有投票權的公會成員同意,則應自動解散。 (2) 本會若依照上述方式解散,所有合法債項和債務必須完全清還,餘下之款項則由會員大會決定處理之。 (3) 解散通知書將於解散後的十四天內遞呈社團註冊官。。 |
Rule 1 | Name |
The name of the Association shall be known as Persatuan Konfeksyenari Dan Bakeri Sabah (Sabah Confectionery And Bakery Association). Hereinafter referred to as the "Association". | |
Rule 2 | Registered And Postal Address |
(1) The registered and correspondence address of the Association is situated at Lot 13, Lorong Buah Duku 3,Kolombong Industrial Estate, P.O.Box 21065,Luyang,88768 Kota Kinabalu,Sabah or other places or place which is approved by the Executive committee of the Association from time to time. (2) The registered office and the correspondence address of the Association shall not be changed without the prior approval from the Registrar of the Societies. |
Rule 3 | Objectives |
The objectives of the Association shall be as follows:-
(1) To promote better understanding and relationship among the members. (2) To protect the common interests of the members in their trade. (3) To provide assistance and guidance to members facing problems in their trade and to convey such problems to the government or authorities concerned. (4) To assist in social welfare and charity. (5) To acquire immovable properties and such other facilities with the consensus of general meeting of members. (6) To raise funds by means of donations or any other lawful means subject to theapproval of the relevant enforcement agencies and with the prior knowledge and approval of the Registrar of Societies. |
Rule 4 | Sources of Income |
The sources of income of the Association shall be derives from:
(1) Entrance fee (2) Whole life subscription (3) Special donation (4) Voluntary donation (5) Benefit derived from properties (6) Yearly subscription of associate member |
Rule 5 | Membership |
(1) Membership shall be opened to licenced operators of bakery and confectionary shops or outlets who are Malaysian citizens above 18 years old residing in the State of Sabah. (2) Associate membership shall be opened for the company which business nature is not under bakery and confectionary shops but is interested to participate our Association. (3) The Secretary shall keep membership register containing the following particulars:
(a) Name of Members (b) I.C. No. (c) Name of firm (d) Date of Admission (e) Date of Registration (f) Registration No. (g) Serial Number (h) Registered address (i) Fax No. (j) Telephone No. |
Rule 6 | Application for membership |
(1) Every application for membership shall be in prescribed form and recommended by an existing member of the Association, shall be submitted to the Secretary or Chairman for approval by the Executive Committee. Upon approval and upon payment of the entrance fee and whole life subscription the applicant shall be admitted as member of the Association. The Executive Committee reserves the right to reject any application without assigning reason thereof. (2) Every application for associate membership shall be in prescribed form,shall be submitted to the Secretary or Chairman for approval by the Executive Committee. Upon approval and upon payment of the yearly subscription the applicant shall be admitted as associate member of the Association. The Executive Committee reserves the right to reject any application without assigning reason thereof. |
Rule 7 | Rights and privileges of members |
(1) Every member shall have the right to nominate 1 representative who shall have the rights:-
(a) To elect and/ or to be elected
(2) The member must be the owner of the licenced outlet or shop or his representative.(b) To speak at any general meeting (c) To submit motion, to vote, to participate in and enjoy all the privileges provided by the members. (3) The associate member does not have the right to vote in an election and also not allowed to hold any position of Executive Committee and Ordinary Committee Members. |
Rule 8 | Obligation of members |
Members of the Association shall observe the following obligations:-
(a) To abide by the rules of the Association and its resolution. (b) To pay any donation or subscription punctually according to the provision thereof. (c) In the event of its representatives having been elected to the Executive Committee to refrain from rejecting such election without any reasonable cause. |
Rule 9 | Cessation of membership |
A member may be ceased to be the membership of the Association under the following circumstances.
(a) Resignation (b) Deregistration of the firm of the company (c) Expulsion under the provision of Rule 19 of the Constitution. |
Rule 10 | Entrance fee and subscription fee |
Entrance fee and subscription shall be as follows:-
Entrance fee : RM10.00 Whole Life Subscription: RM120.00 Associate Member Yearly Subscription: RM1000.00 |
Rule 11 | Effect of ceasing to be a member |
Any member shall,upon ceasing to be a member of the Association whether on account of resignation or expulsion,forfeit all rights to and claim upon the Association and its properties and funds. Any entrance fee,whole life subscription fee,associate member yearly subscription paid to the Association shall not be refundable upon cessation of membership. |
Rule 12 | Executive Committee |
(1) The Executive Committee of the Association shall comprise of the following 15 office-bearers:
One Chairman
(2) The Executive Committee will increase one more Deputy Chairman,so this Association will have two Deputy Chairman and the total of the Executive Committees is 15 persons.Two Deputy Chairman One Vice-Chairman One Secretary One Assistant Secretary One Treasurer One Assistant Treasurer Seven ordinary Committee Members (3) The Chairman can only hold the position for two terms continuously,and each term is entitled for three years. |
Rule 13 | Duties of Office-bearers |
(1) The Chairman shall,during his tenure of office,represent the Association in its internal and external affairs,have the custody of the seals of the Association and shall preside at all general meetings and all meetings of the Executive Committee of the Association and shall be responsible for the conduct of all such meetings.He shall have a casting vote and shall sign the minutes of each meeting at the time they are approved. (2) The Deputy Chairman and Vice Chairman shall assist the Chairman and deputize the Chairman during the absence. (3) The Secretary shall carry out the resolutions of the General Meeting and Executive Committee and the instructions of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman. He shall also be responsible for conducting all correspondence and keeping documents and records of the Association except the accounts and financial records. He shall attend all meetings and record the minutes. (4) The Assistant Secretary shall assist the Hon.Secretary in carrying out his duties and shall be appointed to act for the Hon. Secretary during the latter's absence. (5) The Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping all financial documents,papers,petty cash and cheque on the account of the Association and ensuring the correctness of all financial transactions the records. (6) The Assistant Treasurer shall assist the Treasurer in carrying out his duties and shall be appointed to act for the Hon.Treasurer in the latter's absence. (7) The seven ordinary members of the Executive Committee shall assist other office-bearers in carrying out their duties. |
Rule 14 | Election and Tenure of Office |
(1) The election of office-bearers of the Executive Committee shall be held biennially during the Annual General Meeting. (2) Names for the above offices shall be proposed and seconded and biennial election will be by a simple majority vote of the voting members at the annual general meeting once every two years.All the office-beares shall be eligible for reelection. (3) In the event of death,resignation of expulsion of an Executive Committee member,the Executive Committee shall have the power to co-opt any other member of Association to fill the vacancy until the next election of office-bearers. |
Rule 15 | Meeting |
(1) Executive Committee Meeting
(a) The Executive Committee shall meet at least once in every two(2) months and at least one half of the Executive Committee Members must be present for its proceedings to be valid and to constitute a quorum.
(b) At least seven(7)days prior notice of each meeting shall be given to all the Executive Committee Members. (c) In the event of any extraordinary matter,the Chairman acting alone,or not less than one third(1/3)of its Executive Committee members may jointly call for an Executive Committee Meeting to be held.At least one half of the Executive Committee Members who request such meeting must be present personally for the meeting to be deemed valid. (d) Any Executive Committee Member who fail to attend the Executive Committee for three(3)times consecutively shall cease to be an Executive Committee Member, unless with reason acceptable to the Executive Committee Meeting. (2) Annual General Meeting
(a) The Annual General Meeting shall be the highest authority of the Association. At least one half of the total voting members of the Association or twice the number of Executive Committee Members(whichever is less)must be present at any General Meeting to constitute a quorum.
(b) At least 14days notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be given to all the voting members. (c) If half an hour after the time appointed for the Annual General Meeting a quorum is not constituted,the General Meeting shall be postponed to a later date(not exceeding 30 days)to be decided by the Executive Committee. If a quorum is not present for the postponed meeting,the members present shall have the right to proceed with the business of the day but they shall not have to right to amend the constitution of the Association or to make decision affecting the whole membership. (d) Annual General Meeting shall be held on a date and at a time and place to be decided by the Executive Committee.The business of the Annual General Meeting shall include the following:
(3) Extraordinary General Meeting.
(a) An Extraordinary General Meeting of the Association shall be convened:-
(c) The quorum for an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be the same as that for an annual General Meeting. (d) In the absence of a quorum,the meeting shall be postponed to a later date to be decided by the Executive Committee. Where no quorum is present at the subsequent postponed date,an Extraordinary General Meeting requisitioned by members shall be cancelled and no Extraordinary General Meeting shall be requisitioned for the same purpose until after a lapse of six months from the date thereof |
Rule 16 | Financial Provisions |
(1) The financial year of the Association shall commence on 1st January annually. (2) The Treasurer may hold a petty cash of not exceeding Ringgit Malaysia Five Hundred Only(RM500.00)at any one time. Any Sum in excess of this sum shall within seven(7)days of receipt,be deposited in a bank or banks appointed by the Executive Committee. (3) Cheques or withdrawal notices on the account of the Asociation shall bear the seal of the Association and shall be jointly signed by the Chairman or the Secretary and the Treasurer. (4)
(a) No expenditure exceeding Ringgit Five Hundred only(RM500.00)at any one time shall be incurred without the prior approval of the Chairman.
(5) The audited statements of accounts shall be distributed to all members together with notice of Annual General Meeting and a copy shall be displayed on a notice board at the registered address of the Association.(b) No expenditure exceeding Ringgit Malaysia Two Thousand Only(RM2000.00)at any one time shall be incurred without the prior approval of the Executive Committee. (c) No expenditure exceeding Ringgit Malaysia Five Thousand only(RM5000.00)at any one time shall be incurred without the prior approval of the General Meeting. (6) Any excess funds of the Association shall with the approval of the Annual General Meeting of the member,deposited in the fixed deposit of Bank Bond invested in approved share market/stock or other sound enterprise. |
Rule 17 | AUDIT |
(1) One or more persons,shall be appointed by the General Meeting as Auditor or Auditors of the Association and who shall hold office for two years and be eligible for re-appointment. The Auditor(s)shall have the right to be present in any meeting but shall have no voting right. (2) The Auditor(s)shall be required to audit all accounts of the Association for the years within the tenure of office and to prepare a report or certificate to the General Meeting.The Auditor(s)may also be required by the Chairman to audit the accounts of the Association for any period within his/their tenure of office,and to make a report to the Executive Committee. |
Rule 18 | Appointment of Officers Under Section 9(B) of SOCI |
(1) Three officers who must be office-bearers and over 21 years of age shall be appointed at General Meeting for the purpose of Section 9(b) of the Societies Act, 1966. (2) They shall hold the office for two years and shall be eligible for re-election. (3) The officers appointed under this rule shall deal with the immovable property of the Association in such manner as the general meeting may direct provided that all immovable properties shall be registered in the name of Association. (4) The officer shall not sell,withdraw or transfer any of the properties of the Association without the consent and authority of a General Meeting. (5) An officer may be removed from office by general meeting on the ground that owing to ill health,unsoundness of mind,absence from the country or for any other reason,he is unable to perform his duties or unable to do so satisfactorily.In the event of the death,resignation or removal of an officer before the Annual General Meeting,the vacancy shall be filled by an Extraordinary General Meeting convened for the purpose. |
Rule 19 | Discipline |
(1) The Executive Committee shall have the power to give warning to any member or members of the Executive Committee who shall fail in observance of the rules,by
laws or resolution of the Association or who has been found to tarnish the reputation of the association through misbehavior.The Executive committee may,when it deems necessary,expel such member from the membership of the Association or remove such member from the Executive Committee.The expelled member shall have no right to ask for refund of any money which he has paid to the
Association. (2) Any member of the Association or member of the Executive Committee,who is not satisfied with the decision of the Executive Committee pertaining to his being disqualified from the Executive Committee or expelled from the Association may within 30 days,appeal in writing and request for convening a General Meeting to deal with the matter.Decision of the General Meeting shall be final. |
Rule 20 | Special Provisions |
(1) No person is allowed to take drugs,organize gambling,solicit for immoral purpose and to carry out any illegal activity at the premises of the Association. (2) Without prior approval of the Executive Committee,no person is allowed to solicit for donation and carry out any activity in the name of the Association. (3) No benefits as defined under Section 2 of the Societies Act,1966 shall be given by the Association to any of its members. (4) Any person shall not hold office in the Association or become an advisor or employee of the Association if he is disqualified under Section 9A of the Societies Act,1966. (5) Neither the Association nor its member shall engage or try to engage in any Trade Union activities as defined in the Trade Union Act,1959. (6) All members of the Executive Committee and every officer performing executive functions in the Association shall be Malaysian Citizens. |
Rule 21 | Interpretation of Constitution |
The Executive Committee shall have the power to deal with any matter within the context of but not specifically stipulated in the constitution of the Association and shall have power to interpret the constitution of the Association and may determine any point on which constitution is silent. |
Rule 22 | Amendment of Constitution |
This constitution may not be altered or amended except by a resolution of a General Meeting.Such alteration or amendment shall take effect from the date of their approval by the Registrar of Societies. | |
Rule 23 | Change of Address |
Any member of the Association who changes his address should notify the Hon.Secretary of the Association Failing which any correspondence addressed to the former address shall be treated as valid. | |
Rule 24 | Dissolution |
(1) The Association should not be dissolved except with the consent of not less than three-fifth(3/5)of the total voting membership of the Association at a General
Meeting convened for such purpose. (2) In the event of the Association being dissolved as provided above,all debts and liabilities legally incurred on its behalf shall be fully discharged and the remaining funds shall be disposed of in such manner as may be decided by a General Meeting. (3) Notice of dissolution shall be given to the Registrar of Societies within 14 days of such dissolution. |